The 14th Executive meeting of the Municipal Government was held in 2023

Issuing agency: government office Release time: 2023-12-29 15:12 Share to

On the afternoon of December 27th,Party Secretary and Mayor Lv Jiang presided over the 14th executive meeting of the Municipal government in 2023,传达学习习近平总书记近期重要讲话重要指示精神,Convey the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, the province's high-standard farmland construction "autumn and winter conference" collective interview video conference and the spirit of the joint meeting of the black soil cultivated land protection and utilization field director system, and the spirit of the executive meeting of Suihua City Government,Study and implement suggestions,Make arrangements for the current priorities。

    Li Zhongchen, Shi Chao, Sui Lidong, Li Dongming, Li Shiyu, Liu Li, Du Meiling, Wang Xiangang, Shan Kui, Qiu Weili and others attended the meeting。
    会议指出,习近平总书记的重要讲话重要指示为我们准确把握肇东在国家发展大局中的战略定位,更好服务和融入新发展格局,着力推动高质量发展,指明了前进方向、提供了根本遵循。All government departments at all levels should thoroughly integrate major national and regional strategies, strengthen support in education, science and technology, and human resources, fully implement the concept of people's cities, strengthen the protection of cultivated land, comprehensively transform and utilize saline-alkali land, and make every effort to build a law-based government。要准确把握习近平总书记重要讲话精神实质,一体深化学习领会,全面抓好贯彻落实,积极推动习近平总书记重要讲话重要指示在肇东落地见效。
    The meeting stressed that all leading cadres of the government system should unify their thoughts and actions to the central decision-making and deployment of economic work, the analysis and judgment of the economic situation, the overall requirements and key tasks of economic work, resolutely implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, and resolutely and forcefully implement it in light of the actual situation in Zhaodong。We must make systematic plans for next year's economic work,Deeply grasp the dialectical relationship between "stability" and "progress", "standing" and "breaking",Scientific planning of next year's economic indicators,Combine separate work,Make precise arrangements for key tasks next year,We will effectively implement key tasks such as ensuring steady growth, ensuring employment, and ensuring people's wellbeing,System to promote Zhaodong high-quality development。
    Conference emphasis,The government and its departments should focus on the central, provincial and municipal targets and tasks,We made solid progress in law-based administration,We will continue to build a law-based government,Further improve the ability to respond to lawsuits,We will do a good job of filing and reviewing normative documents, reviewing the legality of major decisions, and popularizing the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" law,Efforts will be made to enhance people's sense of participation and gain in the construction of the rule of law,To provide a solid legal guarantee for promoting Zhaodong's high-quality development and sustainable revitalization。
    The meeting stressed that we should attach great importance to the protection of black land, work hard in "protection", and strictly observe the red line of cultivated land;Work hard in "use" to do a good job in grain production;Work hard on "construction" to promote quality improvement;Work hard on "management" and innovate the governance model。It should be combined with the reality of our city,We will work hard to build high-standard farmland by 2024,According to the "field into a square, soil forming, channels into a network, roads connected, trenches connected, soil fertilizer, drought can be irrigated, flood can be discharged, no pollution, high output" planning standards,High standard design,Adhere to the whole township contiguous overall progress,Make sure to plan, build and standardize one piece。It is necessary to set the cost on time, fulfill the procedures on time, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and ensure that the construction of high-standard farmland is solidly and smoothly promoted according to the time node。
    The meeting stressed that we should always grasp the food safety work with a sense of responsibility of "always be at ease", strive to improve the execution of everything, and take strong measures to strictly prevent unqualified edible agricultural products from flowing into the table。It is necessary to deepen source governance, promote the transformation and upgrading of food enterprises, strengthen risk prevention and control, severely punish crimes, and make every effort to build a general pattern of everyone's responsibility。
    At the meeting, Comrade Lv Jiang also held a collective talk on clean government to the main leaders of the municipal government team, municipal departments, towns and sub-district offices。
    The meeting examined other matters。

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